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Refill Bag - Hair Building Fiber - 25 Gram Thickener

Refill Bag - Hair Building Fiber - 25 Gram Thickener

Finally Hair 25 Gram Hair building fiber Refill Bag (25g 25gr) - Hair thickener [see color chart] Big Size -...
$34.95  $14.49
Save: 59% off

A Wonderful Product 5
By Connie Thunman on
I have been using this product for well over a year. I love it. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to cover the bald spots and I don't dread doing my hair any more. I am a women that has had many health problems and the loss of hair has been embarrassing until Finally Hair. I mix the brown and grey together. It is so easy! The fibers do not come off. I am so thankful that I have found this product and I encourage others to try it. It is simple to use, doesn't smell and stays on. Yes, I Finally have Hair!!!!
10 of 17 people found this review helpful
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Hair Surgeon Recommended - Finally Hair Building Fibers

Dr. Bruno Szyferman, Hair Surgeon

"I highly recommend Finally Hair building fibers. They are top quality, hypoallergenic, and look completely natural. Its almost like a 2 minute pain free hair transplant in a bottle. Give them a try. You will be glad you did!"

Dr. Bruno Szyferman is an acclaimed Hair Surgeon and General Surgeon. He is the founding member of the Argentina Association of Hair Restoration, a Member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery and a member of Iberoamerican Society of Hair Transplant.

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They are designed to help people feel great again, however they are not a cure for hair loss.
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