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Male Pattern Baldness

male pattern baldness   male pattern baldness   male pattern baldness
Male pattern baldness happens gradually.  Some men suffer from it as early as their teen years.  Others start in their 40's or 50's.  If you suffer from male pattern baldness then you may find that hair loss has a big impact on your life.  If you are a single man looking for a mate or a date you may have encountered that many women prefer a man with a full head of hair. And why not? Looking youthful is in style. As a result, it is not uncommon to see men on dating sites wearing baseball caps or taking pictures at unusual angles to hide their hair loss. That's before they find Finally Hair building fiber.
Many men that have male pattern baldness can greatly benefit from Finally Hair building fiber. It is a simple way to achieve great results in concealing and covering up the thin areas. The fiber is an instant way to thicken hair in just a few minutes a day.
Finally Hair's goal is to enable men with all levels of male pattern baldness to enjoy our hair fiber. We are working on a prep solution that will expand the boundaries enabling men with total hair loss to use hair fiber. The below Norwood Scale shows various degrees of hair loss.  
male pattern baldness
If you are at or below level 5 on the chart, there is greater than a 90% chance that you will have excellent results with Finally Hair fiber. Currently the fiber works best if you have some hair for it to adhere to.
Growing your hair longer and combing it over can work if you style your hair cleverly.  However this takes more practice and patience to master using the fiber.
If you would like to send us a picture of your head, we may be able to give you suggestions on a hair style that will flatter you using the fiber. Male pattern baldness is not the end of the world, but a men can look younger, feel better about themselves, and give a better first impression if they use our fiber.  Give it a try.  
We really appreciate any before and after pictures you send up. There is no need to show your face.  Just the top of your head is fine.  We love to see the results and if you don't mind, some of our users may enjoy it to (of course only with your written permission).  A picture like this one is ideal.  
hair building fiber before and after
Please let us know if you have any questions about how we can help with your male pattern baldness.  Don't be shy.  We love our customers and we will do our best for you.

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Hair Surgeon Recommended - Finally Hair Building Fibers

Dr. Bruno Szyferman, Hair Surgeon

"I highly recommend Finally Hair building fibers. They are top quality, hypoallergenic, and look completely natural. Its almost like a 2 minute pain free hair transplant in a bottle. Give them a try. You will be glad you did!"

Dr. Bruno Szyferman is an acclaimed Hair Surgeon and General Surgeon. He is the founding member of the Argentina Association of Hair Restoration, a Member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery and a member of Iberoamerican Society of Hair Transplant.

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Our products are inspired by good health.
They are designed to help people feel great again, however they are not a cure for hair loss.
The claims on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. Only one coupon may be used per order.