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Our Affiliate Program
Finally Hair Corporation
4851 West Hillsboro Blvd. Ste A-12
Coconut Creek, FL 33073
Phone: 1-954-482-4239 or 1-954-341-6567
Fax: 1 -866-271-3894
Email: [email protected]
Finally Hair Corporation is a USA based company with global manufacturing.
New to ordering on a website?
Here's another method of ordering: If you would rather use the Contact Us form to place your order, please write us a list of the exact items you want including the size and color if applicable. Kindly also tell us your coupon code if you have one. We will send a Paypal invoice for those items to your email.  Simply log into your Paypal account and pay the invoice. We will ship your items right away.
Or text message us your order to  (standard data rates may apply)
You can send text messages like:
  • "Duplicate my last order"
  • "Duplicate order number 123456"
  • "Please call me" (we will call you back within 24 hours)
  • "Please send me 114 grams of medium brown and use discount coupon code (your code)"

The goal of this service is to save you time and simplify placing orders. A few things to know:

  1. The phone number you text from must match the phone number on your website account. If the phone number doesnt match or is blank, we may need to call you to verify your account or you can go to>My Account-->View or change my account information and add your phone number to help us. You must be logged in.
  2. We will charge the credit card that was used on your last order if it is available at our credit card provider.  If there is no credit card available to charge, we will call you for that information.  All credit card charges are done over an encrypted secure connection and are 100% safe.
  3. Sorry but if you wish to use Paypal it will require that you order on our website.
  4. By texting us you give us permission to text or call you back.

Error tips:

1) Zip Code Validation Error: This error is returned by the credit card company when the billing zip code of the credit card does not equal the billing zip code of the billing address on our website. This error is usually due to the customer moving within the past year. Usually these adjustments solve it:

a) It is VERY IMPORTANT that your credit card billing address is set as your PRIMARY address in your address book.

Please go to My Account --> Edit Entries In Address Book to manage your addresses. 

Please make sure your new address is selected as your Primary address. 

To make it your Primary Address, please click the Edit button next to the new address.  Select the Primary checkbox and save it.  Now please try to process your order.  If that doesn't work, please try b). 

b) Even though your bank may know your new address, the credit card company can take several months to change the address in their authorization system. To get by this error, please try selecting your old address as the billing address and your new address as the shipping address on your order.  Since the shipping address is your new address, we will ship the order there and your old zip code may just clear the error.  Go to My Account --> Address Book to manage your addresses.

If that doesn't solve it please call us.  We can ask the credit card company for an override if necessary.

2) Page refreshes when I click "Continue". This usually occurs when a check box is not selected.  Sometimes people forget to select "Mr. or Mrs".  Other times people forget to check the check box next to "Credit Card" on the payment page.  It usually means some mandatory field is not selected or completed.  

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Hair Surgeon Recommended - Finally Hair Building Fibers

Dr. Bruno Szyferman, Hair Surgeon

"I highly recommend Finally Hair building fibers. They are top quality, hypoallergenic, and look completely natural. Its almost like a 2 minute pain free hair transplant in a bottle. Give them a try. You will be glad you did!"

Dr. Bruno Szyferman is an acclaimed Hair Surgeon and General Surgeon. He is the founding member of the Argentina Association of Hair Restoration, a Member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery and a member of Iberoamerican Society of Hair Transplant.

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Our products are inspired by good health.
They are designed to help people feel great again, however they are not a cure for hair loss.
The claims on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. Only one coupon may be used per order.